
Less words Wednesday

Here I am in a snow storm. Okay it wasn't a snow storm, but it was snowing. I am trying to hypnotize the DOR with my stare--to be warm you will give me treats, to be warm you will give me treats, to be warm you will give me treats...
It worked! I got treats and I am pretty sure that giving them to me made her feel warm inside.
Enjoy your day and don't forget to hug your DOR!


Sherry Sikstrom said...

Very convincing JAck, I think Johnnie has tried the same trick on me!

Leah Fry said...

I suddenly have an unexplainable urge to grab the cookies and head outdoors...

Betty said...

Hay!!that works for my I just ate a treat now I am warm.Oh was I suppose to give it to you. sorry.
will you please tell Freedom to put his blanket on tonight so he will be warm too.
~~Hugs and Smooches~~


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